Our era is characterized by a shortage of key specialists in the industrial-technical sector as well as technological, digital and data-based developments. On the one hand, this entails a change in products and business models. On the other hand, the requirements for the working methods and competences of employees are changing.
Printing industry: right in the middle of strategic transformations
Today, investment decisions regarding the acquisition of new printing machines are almost always linked to the question of how to achieve sustainable process optimization and productivity improvement across the entire value chain. Increasing efficiency while reducing energy consumption and using resource-saving consumables is essential and thus explicitly requested by the clients. What clients expect from service staff has also changed.
Future-oriented service = holistic solutions and cooperative partnership
Printing companies’ clients keep system-orientation and holistic approaches in mind and have a unique relationship and role structure with manufacturers and their know-how. Nowadays, service partners who interact with their clients as a team are in demand. This inevitably leads to a change in the service area and the professional competences of service employees.
Traditional structures between sales and service are dissolving
Printing companies and their clients move closer together. Cooperation agreements are concluded to form technology and competence partnerships. Furthermore, communities and coopetition processes (coopetition = cooperative competition) with a high ability to interact and to design comprehensive processes are created.
For this, the expertise and skills of service technicians, printers and print instructors are a valuable resource. Both general and specific application knowledge of today's technicians are transformed into expert knowledge for clients’ needs and challenges.
Print Performers
Job profiles are also changing in the printing industry. Service technicians and specialists become performance trainers and consultants for the clients, or Print Performers in short.
Print Performers immerse themselves in the world of values and processes of their clients, since the business model of the future is Performance Management!