Good results and successful developments require establishing the right projects at the right time as well as efficient planning, support and implementation, thus systematic structuring of project management competences throughout the company.
Project management: At first, we give an introduction to the topic in order to present the most important basic features of project management. The main question is: How will develop project management into corporate culture?
Project management audits denote the detailed analysis of an already ongoing project, on the basis of which we can decide what additional measures will be necessary to complete the project as planned.
We do offer on-site support for individual projects in form of: facilitation, external project management as well as the planning of steering and control committees.
We carry out coaching and trainings outside the respective work or project activity (off the job) and during the course of the project in individual work situations (on the job) in cooperation with project managers und project teams.
We will equip project managers and project members with the necessary competences in order to enable them to take full responsibility for their projects.
Project internal communication is intended to prevent rumours, misunderstandings, conflicts and delays. Effective communication among the individual project members and also with the respective project management within the organisational environment is essential for the successful completion of projects. That is why we always offer strategic and operational communication planning too.
Project environment communication, also referred to as stakeholder-management, is an important aspect of effective project management und will be consequently included in our planning. Our specialities include conflict and crisis situations.
Project marketing: Various advertising measures (posters, print advertisements, etc.) can be employed to publicly inform about a project. Furthermore, internal company employees will create written and oral presentations, which for example address project progression. In particular for innovation projects, project marketing is a real success factor.
Project reviews allow a retrospective view on completed projects parts and are also suitable for the postprocessing of an already completed project. We are following the principle of continuous improvement processes.