“Never reveal in a noble manner the weaknesses of your neighbours in order to raise yourself above them!” as formulated Baron Adolph Knigge, who of course concerned himself with the issue of sense of tact.
Sense of tact (originally “sensitivity”) is associated with social conventions, good manners and social graces, style and etiquette – which seems to be an obsolete characteristic of another period in history. Anyway, sense of tact is not part of the standard repertoire of management tools or the content of coaching intended for decision makers. That’s a pity, and it’s unprofessional. High levels of specialist knowledge and comprehensive qualifications are no longer sufficient for a successful career. In many fields of activity, especially managers and executives need to develop a high level of empathy and tact. Just consider the many different contact persons companies have to deal with in their daily business: specialists, younger employees, trainees and apprentices, older employees, pregnant employees, foreign employees, etc. Thanks to the supposedly “old-fashioned” quality sense of tact it is often easier to master communication situations. Sense of tact is no great skill or an innate quality, it is a competence inherent to all of us: sense of tact requires attention, tolerance and mindfulness!
Looking at the origin of the word, you will discover by way of “tact” the virtues of character of Aristotle, who listed besides bravery among other things “sensitivity” too. And do we not detect again and again that virtues prevailing in ancient times still have their legitimacy today?