Exchange on important leadership and management issues as brand format.
Disruptive innovations and cutting-edge developments often require a new self-conception and a fresh understanding of one’s role. This applies to both individuals and organisations. However, how can organisations, companies or administrations transform and reorganise? How to find and live a new identity? And how does a new corporate culture unfold?
Here, the management and leadership dialogue can serve as a modern leadership tool for shaping a common leadership culture and value basis. Such communication and exchange formats make sense, because today’s market requirements can only be managed with a value-oriented and value-based corporate culture as well as a management team specific dialogue capability. This pertains to both the customer markets and the “markets” of the stakeholders.
Management dialogue as an in-house brand format
Management and leadership require a suitable brand format regarding forging their own identity and their cultural development. A company internal management dialogue is such a brand format (and a key component of Employee Brand Management), which offers managerial and executive staff the opportunity to honestly and clearly exchange ideas, agree on common values, develop a stabilising leadership communication and holistically and systematically deal with strategic issues of the future. Interdisciplinary cooperation, structured cooperation processes and joint process learning are involved as essential tools of Employee Brand Management.
Brand formats imply that dialogue quality beats dialogue width. In the future, formats will gain in importance that besides performance promises also convey value promises. In terms of internal management communication, brand formats facilitate brand dialogues and serve as modern “leadership tools “.
Brand dialogues are meant to make specifically defined values perceptible and experienceable and thereby lay the foundation for the skills and processes necessary for changes.
Leadership culture and value development in management practice
An employee survey can be used as an approach to the subject of leadership culture as well as for the identification of jointly supported values. The objectives of such a survey are firstly the involvement of the employees in developing new standards (values) for future cooperation, secondly the analysis of the current leadership quality and thirdly the definition of key activities of the Human Resources management.
After completion of the survey and its evaluation, the communication and implementation process will be established according to a fixed schedule consisting of four stages: identifying, communicating, establishing and evaluating.
Amongst other things, the anchoring in all management and personnel tools (e.g. assessment and performance review) and workshops for managerial and executive staff are measures within the stage “establishing”. Besides, there must be a kind of self-commitment, and the canon of values is considered to be the benchmark for personnel selection and development. This is the only way to transform value wishes into truly lived value promises and employees into real brand ambassadors in the spirit of Employee Brand Management.